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Festival of Korean Music returns for two live shows and a whole host of incredible broadcasts for its first hybrid gig and digital offering of the best in Korean music.

A festival that is ‘original, powerful and thrilling like nothing you have ever heard
 (★★★★★ Evening Standard)


International stars ADG7 come to Kings Place for the K-Music opening concert on Friday 30 October - with the explosions of a pop-rock cabaret and the grooves of funk, the group draw on the sacred shamanic and secular ritual music and folk song of the Hwanghaedo region in western North Korea, their music expressing the true meaning of liberation and the Korean people’s hope for reunification.

One of Korea’s leading experimental drummers Soojin Suh performs a unique collaboration with fellow ECM artist Kit Downes to close the Festival on Monday 16 November at PizzaExpress.


In between the live shows, you can enjoy streams from such Korean music greats as Jambinai, Park Jiha, Black String, Jaram Lee, Kyungso Park, Coreyah, LeeNalchi and many more. A fantastic programme of online concerts and talks will be introduced into 5 categories.

Full online programme details will be available from Thursday 1st October through our website. Watch online at youtube.com/thekccuk this November.

  • 1. K-Music Greats / Sat. 31 Oct. 7 & 14 Nov. / Youtube, 5pm

This category includes artists that have performed at previous K-Music festivals, are some of the biggest names in Korean music. This year they include Songlines Award Winners Black String and Jambinai and the sensational singer Heemoon Lee alongside Prelude and NomNom.

  • 2. K-Music New Talent / Mon 2 & 9 Nov. / Youtube, 7pm

We offer a chance to hear fresh sounds from Korea’s up-and-coming new groups and this year we showcase Dongyang GozupaDal:um, Gray by Silver and Gonia.

  • 3. K-Music Encounters / Tue 3, Wed 4, Thu 5 Nov./ Youtube, 7pm

In our new series for this year, the artists will discuss their work before presenting some unique collaborations and one-off pieces and this year include Yoon Jeong HeoKyungso Park & Soona Park and the renowned pansori artist Jaram Lee. A K-Music Encounters Special features a new collaboration from Jae Il Jung, music director of Parasite.

  • 4. K-Music Specials / Fri 6 & 13 Nov. / Youtube, 7pm

Enjoy a full concert experience. In this series, we broadcast a new performance from gayageum trio Hey String, co-produced with the Seoul Nasam Gugakdang, as well as an outstanding collaboration between Park Jiha, Kyungso Park, Woojae Park, and Soona Park from the Yeowoorak Festival produced by the National Theatre of Korea.

  • 5. K-Music Critic’s Choice / Tue 10, Wed 11, Thu 12 Nov. / Youtube, 7pm

Huge names at home and abroad, working with BBC presenters, Lopa Kothari, Nikki Bedi and Max Reinhardt have specially selected world-renowned groups enjoying growing success. This year’s critic’s choices are CoreyahSinnoi and Leenalchi.

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